Dobrodošli na uradni spletni strani ROLLY DANCE OPEN.
Spletna stran je dvojezična. S klikom na spodnji gumb izberite želeni jezik.

Plesni festival  ROLLY DANCE OPEN je odprto plesno tekmovanje, kjer lahko sodelujejo plesalci različnih klubov in šol, ne glede na pripadnost nacionalnim in mednarodnim plesnim zvezam. Na festivalu ROLLY DANCE OPEN je dobrodošel prav vsak.


Welcome to official website of ROLLY DANCE OPEN.
This is two language website. For website in english, please click the button “english”.

ROLLY DANCE OPEN is an open dance festival, where dancers from different clubs and schools can participate, regardless of their affiliation with national or international dance associations. Everybody is welcome at ROLLY DANCE OPEN dance festival.

Rolly Dance Open bo potekalo na tej lokaciji

Dvorana Tabor

Koresova ulica 7,Maribor



Rolly dance open will take place at this location

Tabor Hall

Koresova ulica 7, Maribor